02 Nov Interview with Davide Pironi in the magazine “Verniciatura del legno”
VDL: when we are looking for the right industrial spray-gun we do not always consider the transfer efficiency aspect which significantly affect the coating product waste.
We would like to analyse in-depth your point of view, the manufacturer one.
Davide Pironi: The transfer efficiency is the percentage between the coating effectively deposited on the surface and the total amount of the coating sprayed. Higher is that percentage, less is the overspray that is the exceeded coating product, the so called waste.
VDL: How to choose the right paint gun technology?
Davide Pironi: The optimal condition would be to carry out tests accompanied by an expert technician in spraying technologies. To choose independently, the technologies are as follows: HVLP spray guns, acronym for High Volume Low Pressor, take advantage of the high volume of incoming compressed air to obtain a high-performance finish at low operating pressures.
These are suitable for all types of spraying products, subject to the appropriate choice of needle and nozzle. Volumetric spray guns exploit the same principle and take these results to extreme values such as operating pressures of just 0.4-0.9 bar. They require an adequately dimensioned air system and are ideal for large production lines. The quality of the finish is slightly lower than that obtained with HVLP technology. LVLP guns, Low Volume Low Pressure, require just a few litres of incoming air and are able to obtain an excellent finish. The product is evenly and lightly distributed.
This technology is suitable for distributing at a low operating pressure.
The soft pressure guns are an intermediate range between traditional spray guns and those with LVLP technology …